National Stock Exchange of India Limited and CRISIL Limited have jointly sponsored the development of an online service in order to facilitate and promote the development of markets for corporate bonds and securitised debt. The website is a comprehensive online resource for information and analysis for these markets and would be developed as a one stop shop for all information on corporate bonds and securitized debt. The site is being developed as a stepping-stone to taking forward the recommendations of the R.H Patil committee. Logically integrated validated bond information that would be critical and basic to any price discovery would be the key cornerstone of the website.
Said, Mr Ravi Narain, CEO, NSE, "The IndiaBondWatch initiative has been created in order to fill the information gap that currently exists in the market, and to provide a forum for analysis and discussion of the issues that impact demand, supply and secondary market liquidity of bonds and securitised debt. The website is in the public domain and open for use by all market participants. It contains relevant, accurate and accessible information on corporate bonds. It will also be used to disseminate data on daily trades, including price, yield and volume information."
Mr Ravimohan, Managing Director & CEO, CRISIL further emphasized, "In addition to serving as a bond database and dissemination platform, the IndiaBondWatch website will also contain analysis, opinion and discussion forums. These features will help the development of the corporate bond and securitised debt market by raising and discussing key impeding issues faced by issuers, investors and intermediaries in these markets. The website will also contain a reference section that will bring together all notifications, circulars, acts and regulations that have a bearing on participants in these markets."
He added, "By creating a single online resource to perform all the above functions we hope to speed up the process of reforms in these markets and thereby contribute to increasing the efficiency of capital markets and the economy as a whole."
Said Mr. Neeraj Gambhir, Chairman, FIMMDA "FIMMDA is very happy to support an initiative like this. Our members stand to benefit the most from the improved flow of information and ongoing process of dialogue for reforms in the corporate bond market. We will help NSE and CRISIL in whatever way we can in order to ensure the success of IndiaBondWatch."
Mr. A.P. Kurian, Chairman, AMFI, congratulated NSE and CRISIL for launching IndiaBondWatch. He stated that, "This is a big step forward in the development of corporate bond market in the Country as all information on corporate bonds is being made available in one single place in a logically coherent manner. The mutual fund industry will greatly benefit from this initiative."