The equity shares of Oriental Trimex Limited will list in NSE and BSE on Wednesday - March 7, 2007.
The company recently came out with an IPO of equity shares through 100% book building process. The company issued shares at Rs.48 per share (Face Value of Rs.10/- and premium of Rs.38/-).
Bombay Stock Exchange has informed that effective from Wednesday, March 07,2007, the equity shares of Oriental Trimex Limited (Scrip Code: 532817) will be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of B1 Group Securities.
The equity shares of Oriental Trimex Limited (NSE code: OTL) shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the National Stock Exchange w.e.f. March 7, 2007. Trading shall be in the Normal Market Segment - Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.
The registrar to the issue is Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Limited. The website of Registrar is