Railway Budget

Mamata extends 'Rashtriya swastHya Bima Yojana' to porters, vendors and hawkers

Posted On : 2010-02-24 03:31:06( TIMEZONE : IST )

Mamata extends 'Rashtriya swastHya Bima Yojana' to porters, vendors and hawkers

The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana will now be extended to all licensed porters, vendors and hawkers on Railways. This was announced by the Minister of Railways, Kumari Mamata Banerjee, in the Railway Budget for the year 2010-11 presented in the Lok Sabha today.

She said that this is being done in fulfillment of our corporate social responsibility as the porters, vendors and hawkers are from the unorganized sector and are socially challenged.

Source : Equity Bulls
