IPO News

Domestic Financial Institutions boost subscription for NTPC FPO

Posted On : 2010-02-03 12:16:36( TIMEZONE : IST )

Domestic Financial Institutions boost subscription for NTPC FPO

The Follow-On Public Offering (FPO) of NTPC Limited received 77% subscription on the day of opening (Wednesday - February 3, 2010).

The FPO received big boost from Domestic Financial Institutions (Banks/ Financial Institutions(FIs)/ Insurance Companies) as they applied enmasse for the FPO.

Out of the total bids of 319011196 equity shares against the offer of 412273220 equity shares, the Domestic Financial Institutions(Banks/ Financial Institutions(FIs)/ Insurance Companies) applied for 311532508 equity shares.

Out of the Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) portion FIIs subscribed for 4501000 equity shares. But, the FPO would scrape through due to the robust demand from Domestic Financial Institutions(Banks/ Financial Institutions(FIs)/ Insurance Companies).

Source : Equity Bulls
