Mutual Funds

UTI Services Industries Fund declares 20% dividend

Posted On : 2009-11-23 19:36:19( TIMEZONE : IST )

UTI Services Industries Fund declares 20% dividend

The Trustees of UTI Mutual Fund have declared a dividend under the scheme UTI Services Industries Fund (Dividend Option). The Dividend declared per unit is Rs. 2.0/- The Face Value per Unit is Rs. 10/-

The Record date for the dividend is November 27, 2009.

The NAV of UTI Services Industries Fund - Dividend Option is Rs 24.4700 as on Nov 19, 2009.

Unit holders under Dividend Option whose names appear in the register of unit holders as at the record date (November 27, 2009) shall be entitled to receive the dividend. The reinvestment in units of the dividend amount, if opted for reinvestment, will be done at ex-dividend NAV.

Distribution of the above Dividend is subject to the availability and adequacy of distributable surplus. Pursuant to payment of Dividend, the NAV of the Regular Plan of the Scheme (Dividend Option) will fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if any.

Source : Equity Bulls
