Market Commentary


Posted On : 2006-12-20 21:41:41( TIMEZONE : IST )


Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is hosting the 32nd Annual Conference of IOSCO from 09-12 April, 2007 in Mumbai. The IOSCO Annual Conference is being hosted by India for the first time.

IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) is globally recognized as the international standard setter for securities markets. The Organization's membership of more than one hundred jurisdictions is responsible for regulation of more than 90% of the world's securities markets and, as such,IOSCO is the world's most important international forum for cooperation amongst securities market regulators. IOSCO members meet every year at its Annual Conference to discuss important issues related to the world securities markets.

SEBI Chairman, Mr. M. Damodaran, was elected as the Chairman of the IOSCO Emerging Markets Committee in June 2006, a position he will hold for a term of two years. The election of the SEBI Chairman as the IOSCO EMC Chairman, and the hosting of the 2007 Annual IOSCO Conference by SEBI signify the growing importance of India as an attractive destination for global investment, as well as India’s leadership role amongst emerging and developing markets.

The upcoming Mumbai Conference will showcase the diversity, warmth and richness of Indian culture along with the developments in the Indian securities market. The website for the conference is already functional, and provides an overview of the activities during the conference.

The IOSCO Annual Conference is being organized over four days from 9th to 12th of April 2007, during which panel discussions and meetings of IOSCO committees, working groups and regional committees will be held. The four days of intensive deliberation over securities market related issues will be interspersed with theme social evenings for participants, and will conclude with optional tours to some of the most attractive tourist destinations in India.

Source : Equity Bulls
