Railway Budget

Special Trains for perishable farm produce, facilities for transportation of rural craft

Posted On : 2009-07-03 03:14:23( TIMEZONE : IST )

Special Trains for perishable farm produce, facilities for transportation of rural craft

The Minister of Railways, Kumari Mamata Banerjee has said that her Ministry proposes to introduce special trains to carry perishable products like fruits & vegetables, fish etc., from identified production clusters to consumer centres, by way of maintaining quality and freshness of perishable produce.

Presenting the Railway Budget for 2009-10 in Parliament today, she said, Railways will encourage creation of facilities of setting up cold storage and temperature controlled perishable cargo centres and its transportation through public private partnership mode.

The Minister said for this purpose Railways will associate professional agency to identify locations and designing proper services.

Kumari Mamata Banerjee said on similar lines to promote small industries sector, we will facilitate movement of village handicraft, cottage industry and textile products from production clusters like Tirupur, Dhanekhali, Shantipur etc., to consumption centres. This will greatly increase their outreach and access to new markets.

Source : Equity Bulls
