IPO News

Mold-Tek Plastics to list on June 10, 2009

Posted On : 2009-06-08 10:56:54( TIMEZONE : IST )

Mold-Tek Plastics to list on June 10, 2009

Bombay Stock Exchange has announced that new securities of Mold-Tek Plastics Limited shall be listed and permitted for trading on the Exchange with effect from Wednesday, June 10, 2009.

The Scrip Code is 533080, Face Value & Paid up value is Rs 10.

The ISIN No. is INE893J01011.

Pursuant to the scheme, the plastics Business Division of Mold Tek Technologies Limited (MTL) was demerged into Mold-Tek Plastics Limited (MPL) and in consideration thereof MPL has issued and allotted 72 equity share of Rs.10/- each fully paid up for every 100 equity shares of Rs.10/- each held in MTL as on the Record Date.

The issued, subscribed and paid-up equity capital of the company post arrangement comes to Rs.799.57 lacs consisting of 79,95,776 equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up.

XL Softech Systems Limited is the Registrar to the company.

Source : Equity Bulls
