The official Wholesale Price Index for 'All Commodities' (Base: 1993-94 = 100) for the week ended 17th January, 2009 rose by 0.2 percent to 230.5 (Provisional) from 230.0 (Provisional) for the previous week.
The annual rate of inflation, calculated on point to point basis, stood at 5.64 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 17/01/2009 (over 19/01/2008) as compared to 5.60 percent (Provisional) for the previous week (ended 10/01/2009) and 4.45 percent during the corresponding week (ended 19/01/2008) of the previous year.
The annual rate of inflation, calculated on point-to-point basis, for 'Primary Articles' stood at 11.01 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 17/01/2009 as compared to 11.64 percent (Provisional) in the previous week. It was 4.57 percent as on 19/01/2008 i.e. a year ago.
The annual rate of inflation for 'Food Articles' stood at 11.17 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 17/01/2009 as compared to 11.64 percent (Provisional) in the previous week. It was 2.27 percent as on 19/01/2008 i.e. a year ago.