The annual rate of inflation, calculated on point to point basis, stood at 5.24 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 03/01/2009 (over 05/01/2008) as compared to 5.91 percent (Provisional) for the previous week (ended 27/12/2008) and 4.26 percent during the corresponding week (ended 05/01/2008) of the previous year.
The rate of inflation, based on average monthly WPI, which was 8.66 percent (Provisional) for the month of November, 2008, has eased by 2.19 percentage points to 6.47 percent (Provisional) in December, 2008.
The annual rate of inflation, calculated on point-to-point basis, for 'Primary Articles' stood at 10.85 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 03/01/2009 as compared to 11.59 percent (Provisional) in the previous week. It was 4.12 percent as on 05/01/2008 i.e. a year ago.
The annual rate of inflation for 'Food Articles' stood at 9.52 percent (Provisional) for the week ended 03/01/2009 as compared to 9.95 percent (Provisional) in the previous week. It was 1.86 percent as on 05/01/2008 i.e. a year ago.
For the week ended 08/11/2008, the final wholesale price index for 'All Commodities' (Base: 1993-94=100) stood at 234.6 as compared to 235.0 (Provisional) and annual rate of inflation based on final index, calculated on point to point basis, stood at 8.71 percent as compared to 8.90 percent (Provisional) reported earlier vide press note dated 21/11/2008.