The Rights Issue Committee of the Board of Directors of Bio Green Papers Limited at its Meeting held on today has considered and approved the following terms of the Rights Issue:
Type of security - Equity Shares with a face value of Rs.10/- each
Type of Issuance Rights Issue - Fully paid-up equity shares
Total number of Equity Shares proposed to be issued - 94,71,445.00 (Ninety-four lakh seventy-one thousand four hundred forty-five only)
Rights Issue Price - Rs.52.00 (Rupees Fifty-Two) Per Equity Share (including a premium of Rs. 42.00/- Per Equity Share)
*Rights Issue size - Rs. 49,25,15,140.00 (Rupees Forty-nine crore twenty-five lakh fifteen thousand one hundred forty Only).
Rights Entitlement Ratio - 67:83 (Sixty-Seven Rights Equity Shares for Every Eighty-Three fully paid-up Equity Shares held by the Eligible Equity Shareholders of the Company, as on the Record Date.
*Assuming full subscription of Equity Shares