Stock Report

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Ltd receives two additional orders

Posted On : 2024-03-28 14:01:12( TIMEZONE : IST )

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Ltd receives two additional orders

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited has announced its recent triumph in securing a significant drone supply order from the Eastern Command of the Indian Army, Ministry of Defence, valued at INR 1,83,750.00. This accomplishment adds to our track record of successfully completing projects worth INR 50,00,000 for the Ministry of Defence in the Current Financial Year.

This order marks the initiation of a larger-scale engagement, as DroneAcharya has been awarded two additional work orders associated with this project scope. These include the supply of Drones equipped with night vision, valued at INR 1,99,500.00, and Drone pilot training services, valued at INR 1,91,162.00, resulting in a grand total of INR 5,74,412.00.

Mr. Prateek Srivastava, the Founder and Managing Director of DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Ltd., remarked, "This marks the first year that DroneAcharya is establishing itself as a trusted partner for the Ministry of Defence, and we envision a long-term association with the organization in the years to come."

This work order is particularly noteworthy as it solidifies DroneAcharya's position as a trusted partner to the Ministry of Defence. Notably, our company has successfully secured and executed orders summing to approximately INR 50,00,000.00 for the Ministry of Defence in the Financial Year. 2023-2024.

Source : Equity Bulls


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