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Droneacharya Aerial Innovations wins tender for supply of FPV Drone with Night Vision Capability

Posted On : 2024-03-28 13:44:40( TIMEZONE : IST )

Droneacharya Aerial Innovations wins tender for supply of FPV Drone with Night Vision Capability

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited has announced the acquisition of a prestigious work order from one of the Artilleries of the Eastern Command of the Indian Army. The contract entails the supply of cutting-edge FPV (First Person View) Drones equipped with Night Vision capabilities, marking a significant advancement in our collaboration with the Indian Army.

This milestone underscores DroneAcharya's position as a trusted partner within the Drone industry for the Indian Army. Over the past year, our company has secured numerous tenders and orders encompassing Drone supply, services, and training across various units of the Indian Army.

Equipped with Night Vision technology, FPV Drones have the capability of enhancing border security, search and rescue operations, perimeter surveillance, and regular patrolling, extending operational capabilities into nocturnal environments. This deployment reflects our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions tailored to the specific needs of our esteemed clients.

Prateek Srivastava, Founder and Managing Director of DroneAcharya, commented: "We are honored by this opportunity to contribute to the Artillery of the Eastern Command's operational effectiveness. This order underscores our dedication to innovation and reinforces our position as a leading provider of advanced Drone solutions in collaboration with the Indian Army."

Source : Equity Bulls


DroneAcharyaAerialInnovations OrderWin FPVDrone NightVisionCapability