Stock Report

JBM Auto Ltd's subsidiary declared L1 for 1390 Electric Buses

Posted On : 2024-03-19 16:29:11( TIMEZONE : IST )

JBM Auto Ltd's subsidiary declared L1 for 1390 Electric Buses

JBM Ecolife Mobility Private Limited, a subsidiary of JBM Auto Limited, has been declared as L1 and awarded the Tender as a bus operator for Procurement, Supply, Operation and Maintenance of 1,390 [One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety] Electric Buses [approx. 65%] and development of allied electric and civil Infrastructure on Gross Cost Contracting [GCC] under the PM-eBus Sewa Scheme.

The Company has on 19th March, 2024 acknowledged the Letter of Confirmation of Quantities eligible for award as issued by Convergence Energy Services Limited [CESL].

The approx. Order value is Rs. 7,500 Crore (Rupees Seven Thousand Five Hundred crore).

Source : Equity Bulls


JBMAuto JBMEcolifeMobility OrderWin L1 1390ElectricBuses PMeBusSewaScheme