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H.G. Ateli Narnaul Highway Pvt Ltd receives completion certificate for project

Posted On : 2022-09-09 21:57:48( TIMEZONE : IST )

H.G. Ateli Narnaul Highway Pvt Ltd receives completion certificate for project

H.G. Ateli Narnaul Highway Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of H.G. Infra Engineering Limited ('HGINFRA') has received the completion certificate for the project "Construction of proposed Narnaul Bypass (Design Length 24.00 km) & Ateli Mandi to Narnaul section of NH-11 from Km 43.445 to km 56.900 (Design Length 14.00 kin) as an economic corridor-feeder route Pkg-II in the State of Haryana on Hybrid Annuity Mode".

The completion certificate has been issued by the Independent Engineer and the project has been declared fit for entry into commercial operation on March 11, 2022.

Source : Equity Bulls


HGAteliNarnaulHighway HGInfraEngineering SPV CompletionCertificate HAMProject