Stock Report

Espire Hospitality Ltd to grant Country Inn brand to Hall of Heritage Hotel at Amritsar

Posted On : 2022-07-29 09:26:50( TIMEZONE : IST )

Espire Hospitality Ltd to grant Country Inn brand to Hall of Heritage Hotel at Amritsar

Espire Hospitality Limited has entered into a Hotel License Agreement with M/s Hall of Heritage, Amritsar, for granting its brand "COUNTRY INN" for their Hotel namely Hall of Heritage, Amritsar.

After this agreement the hotel of M/s Hall of Heritage shall be run in the name and style "Country inn Hall of Heritage", w.e.f 01.08.2022. The company will charge a License fees on monthly basis.

The Hall of Heritage hotel is situated at Plot No: 2296 & 2298, 107 - Rai Bahadur Marg, Inside Hall Gate, Amritsar, 143001 ad measuring 26000 Sq ft, comprising of 44 rooms 1 restaurant, 1 conference room & 1 kitchen.

Hall of Heritage, is a partnership firm, located in Amritsar, Punjab and deals in the business of Hotels and Resorts.

Source : Equity Bulls


EspireHospitaltiy Hotel LicenseAgreement HallofHeritage Amritsar COUNTRYINN