Bombay Stock Exchange has announced that effective from Wednesday, June 04, 2008 the equity shares of Anu's Laboratories Limited (Scrip Code: 532981) shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of B Group.
The company issued shares in the recently concluded IPO at a price of Rs. 210 Per share (Face Value of Rs. 10/- and Premium of Rs. 200).
The ISIN Code of the company is INE450H01014.
Karvy Computershare Private Limited is the Registrar to the issue.
The prominent shareholders of the company who are holding more than 1% in "Public" category are, STRUZZO capital services Pvt Ltd, Sophia Growth-A share class of Somerset India Fund, SBI Magnum Midcap Fund, Seahaven Investment (Mauritius) Ltd, Sandeep Bammer, SBI Tax Advantage Fund Series - I, Kabir Gumnani, Adharshila Venture Capital FUnd Ltd.