
IPO Review - Rainbow Children's Medicare Ltd - ICICI Direct

Posted On : 2022-04-27 12:10:39( TIMEZONE : IST )

IPO Review - Rainbow Children's Medicare Ltd - ICICI Direct

Rainbow Children's Hospital is a leading multi-specialty paediatric, obstetrics and gynaecology hospital chain in India, operating 14 hospitals and three clinics in six cities, with a total bed capacity of 1,500 beds.

- Core specialties include paediatrics, neonatal intensive care, paediatric intensive care, paediatric multi-specialty and paediatric quaternary care

- Birthright by Rainbow is one of the largest obstetrics and gynaecology service provider, which includes normal and complex obstetric care, multi-disciplinary foetal care, perinatal genetic and fertility care

- Bed capacity: 1500 (mature:1052, new:448), 9MFY22 occupancy:46% (mature:50%, new:36%), ARPOBD: Rs. 45,951, ALOS: 2.85 days

Key triggers / Highlights

- Large underpenetrated addressable children centric hospitals market
- Leading paediatric multi-specialty healthcare chain with strong clinical expertise in managing complex diseases
- Comprehensive perinatal care provider, with synergies between paediatric and perinatal services
- Hub and spoke model that provides synergies and ensures better care and access for patients
- Proven ability to attract, train and retain high calibre medical professionals along with an experienced senior management team

For details, click on the link below: Link to the report

Source : Equity Bulls


RainbowChildrensMedicare IPOReview ICICIDirect