Industry News

Unocoin introduces ADA, CELR, GTO, LRC and SAND for trading

Posted On : 2022-01-18 18:03:10( TIMEZONE : IST )

Unocoin introduces ADA, CELR, GTO, LRC and SAND for trading

Unocoin, India's first crypto exchange platform providing safe and secure transactions, expands the portfolio and adds 5 new coins to its trading platform. The portal has been adding new tokens now and then for Indian crypto investors and traders. Catering to the evolving requirements of the crypto community, the platform recently added ADA, CELR, GTO, LRC and SAND coins. From gaming to gifting to other transactional services, these coins will be able to fulfill the crypto trading needs of the investors.

ADA, one of the recently added coins, is mainly a blockchain network that is used for many purposes like data handling and providing crypto-asset. It has implemented decentralized finance services, including an upgrade to enable smart contracts and the ability to build decentralized applications. On the other hand, the newly launched Gifto (GTO) has created a new gifting commodity for users for sending and receiving virtual crypto gifts to anyone with just a link.

The Loopring token is the native token of the Loopring protocol, a blockchain-based project that allows developers to build their decentralized exchanges. It offers implemented decentralized finance services, including an upgrade to enable smart contracts and the ability to build decentralized applications. The Celer Network (CELR) which is a networked system, provides on-chain data availability with a novel insurance model. The token is used to maximize liquidity interest payouts in the liquidity backing auction. Also, the newly added coin for Indian gamers is Sandbox (SAND). With a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Sandbox continues to build a community of future gaming.

Sathvik Vishwanath Co-Founder & CEO, Unocoin said, "The newly added crypto products are a revolutionary and futuristic finance concept that leverages the idea of blockchains with functions that spans across transactions of various nature. With this development, the platform now has 56 coins that our users can access. We have endeavored to provide a seamless platform for convenience led transactions, that enables features of diverse nature catering to user needs".

Source : Equity Bulls


UnoCoin NewProducts CryptoCurrency TradingPlatform ADA CELR GTO LRC SAND CryptoExchange