
FinTech Fridays' Insights - Oct-Nov'2021 - HDFC Securities

Posted On : 2021-12-10 22:36:38( TIMEZONE : IST )

FinTech Fridays' Insights - Oct-Nov'2021 - HDFC Securities

Mr. Krishnan ASV, Institutional Research Analyst, HDFC Securities

The Indian FinTech ecosystem is in an extremely sweet spot, in terms of problem statements seeking solutions, the amount of ideas generating possible solutions, and the quantum of PE funding chasing these solutions. In early Jun'21, we launched the HSIE FinTech Fridays to bring together founders, consultants, and expert speakers with a unique perspective on the Indian FinTech ecosystem to discuss how the FinTechs are influencing various aspects of the financial services jigsaw. This was extremely relevant to public market investors, given the spate of FinTechs expected to come up with public issuances. Having completed 20 sessions, the HSIE FinTech Fridays series has progressively established itself as a signature weekly event in investor calendars.

We kick off FinTech Fridays Insights (FFI), a monthly publication, with a curtain raiser on our conversations with the interesting FinTech founders and speakers we had hosted during Oct'21-Nov'21. From our discussions, we aim to extract three main takeaways: (1) the broader potential market that the idea is addressing, (2) our understanding of the prevailing business model and unit economics, and (3) a summary of our house view and likely investment implications for incumbents and challengers.

Source : Equity Bulls


FinTech FridaysInsights HDFCSecurities