
Dr. Samantak Das, Chief Economist and Head Research & REIS, JLL on the monetary policy - Aug 6, 2021

Posted On : 2021-08-07 17:34:30( TIMEZONE : IST )

Dr. Samantak Das, Chief Economist and Head Research & REIS, JLL on the monetary policy - Aug 6, 2021

RBI has upheld its accommodative stance and kept the repo rate unchanged at 4% during the monetary policy committee meeting held today. 'Strong and sustainable growth' continues to remain the cornerstone of the Central Bank's philosophy while it takes into cognizance the current rising inflationary trends. Citing the high inflation levels to be transitory in nature driven by short term supply side constraints, the Bank draws attention to the promising high frequency indicators such as consumption, investment and external demand which are regaining traction as the economy is opening up in a phased manner.

With the concerns of the second wave ebbing supported by aggressive ongoing mass vaccination, broad-based policy support, normal monsoons, likely easing of supply side issues, RBI maintains its growth forecast for FY 21-22 at 9.5%. As the economy gradually gains foothold in the aftermath of the receding impact of the second wave, RBI has indicated greater confidence in the resilience of the Indian economy.

Green shoots in the residential sector have emerged in tandem with the gradual improvement in the economic environment as businesses reopen. Prevailing lower home loan rates supported by RBIs policy rate stance, stable prices and attractive payment plans and schemes of developers are aiding the translation of pent-up demand into sales. If the downward trajectory in COVID-19 cases is sustained, the sector is expected to make a healthy recovery in H2 2021.

Source : Equity Bulls
