
Q1FY22 Result Update - The Anup Engineering - ICICI Direct

Posted On : 2021-08-01 10:50:43( TIMEZONE : IST )

Q1FY22 Result Update - The Anup Engineering - ICICI Direct

Anup reported decent Q1FY22 results.

- Revenue for the quarter was at Rs. 52 crore, up 72% YoY, down 61% QoQ

- EBIDTA margins contracted ~355 bps YoY & ~270 bps QoQ coming in at 24%. Absolute EBIDTA came in at Rs. 12.5 crore, up 50% YoY

- Ensuing PAT came in at Rs. 7.9 crore. Tax rate for the quarter was at 19.6%

Key triggers for future price performance

- Upcoming clean room facility expanding Anup's reach into exotic metallurgy

- Timely commercialisation of Kheda capex ensuring sustained growth
- Sustained EBIDTA margins in the range of 24-26%

For details, click on the link below: Link to the report

Source : Equity Bulls
