Railway Budget

Licenced Porters to be appointed as gangmen

Posted On : 2008-02-26 10:32:58( TIMEZONE : IST )

Licenced Porters to be appointed as gangmen

In view of the long pending demand of licenced porters, the Minister for Railways, Shri Lalu Prasad in his Budget speech announced that the Railways have decided on a one time basis to appoint them as gangmen and to other Group D posts after due screening.

Porters working on stations belong to Scheduled Castes and Tribes, other backward castes, minorities and other weaker sections of society. They have been carrying the luggage of passengers for years.

There are thousands of vacant posts of gangmen. A large number of additional vacancies will arise due to promotion of gangmen as gatemen for manning of unmanned level crossings gates.

Source : Press Information Bureau
