Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund has announced that Morgan Stanley Growth Fund ('MSGF') is a close-ended mutual fund scheme of Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund ('MSMF'/'Fund').
The Board of Trustees ("Trustees") of the Fund have approved the open ending of MSGF. The Trustee have inter-alia, delegated the powers to Morgan Stanley Investment Management Pvt Ltd ('the AMC') to open end MSGF, subject to all applicable regulatory approvals and compliances.
In this regard, the Company has informed SEBI about the decision of the Trustee to convert MSGF in to an open ended scheme including consequent delisting of units of MSGF, subject to all applicable regulatory approvals and compliances.
The stock closed the day at Rs.57.59, up by Rs.0.13 or 0.23%. The stock hit an intraday high of Rs.57.99 and low of Rs.56.52.
The total traded quantity was 62667 compared to 2 week average of 110067.