Views of Mr. Ritesh Kr. Sahu (Fundamental Analyst - Agri commodities, Angel Commodities Broking Private Limited, Angel Broking):
"Government has released its final all India crop situation - Rabi 2016-17 on 3rd Feb 2017. The acreage under Rabi crops exceeds the season's normal area due to adequate irrigation facilities available following a normal monsoon. The area under Wheat, Pulses particularly Chana, Lentil and Field Pea and Oilseeds - Rapeseed- Mustard and Groundnut increase substantially during the current rabi season.
Apart from good rainfall, the prices of most of the rabi crops have improved over the last two years have encourage farmers to undertake good sowing despite cash crunch following a ban in high denomination currency notes. Government also increase minimum support prices (MSP) of wheat, rabi oilseeds and pulses so that farmers can get reasonable profits in case the prices go down below MSP in the physical market during harvesting season."