The follow-on public issue of Bharat Earth Movers Ltd opens for subscription on Wednesday - June 27, 2007. The company is coming out with an issue of 49,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each for cash at a price to be decided through 100% Book Building Process.
Out of the issue, 4,90,000 equity shares are reserved for eligible employees of the company. The Net Issue to the public would be 44,10,000 equity shares. The Issue would constitute 11.77% of the fully diluted post issue paid-up equity capital of the company.
The equity shares of the company are already listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bangalore Stock Exchange (BgSE). The shares issued through this public issue will also be listed on the above stock exchanges.
ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd is the Book Running Lead Manager to the issue. Karvy Computershare Private Ltd is the Registrar to the Issue.
The public issue closes for subscription on Tuesday - July 03, 2007.
Click Here to view Bharat Earth Movers Ltdwebsite. Click Here to view Bharat Earth Movers Ltdprospectus.