Ashika Capital Ltd ("Manager to the Offer"), on behalf of Mr. Ashokkumar Shah ("Acquirer") and Mr. Mansukhbhai Vagasia ("Person Acting in Concert" / "PAC") has issued this Public Announcement ("PA"), to the equity shareholders of Exdon Trading Company Ltd ("Target Company"), pursuant to Regulation 10 & 12 and in compliance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 & subsequent amendments thereto ("regulations") has announced as below:
The Offer:
The Acquirer & PAC are now making this Open Offer (the "Offer") to the Shareholders of the Target Company to acquire 49,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each at a price of Rs 41/- per share ("Offer Price") representing 20.00% of its voting capital, payable in cash.
Schedules of Activities
Specified Date: September 15, 2006
Date of Opening of the Offer: October 27, 2006
Date of Closing of the Offer: November 15, 2006