Rs.1353 crore have been released as the first installment of central assistance for the projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission during 2006-07. Out of the approved projects, 64 are for water supply, 39 for sewerage, 39 for road and flyovers, 27 for drainage and 20 for solid waster management. 205 projects have been approved involving a total cost of Rs. 17,000 crore. These projects will get central assistance of about Rs. 8300 crore.
62 cities have prepared city development plans, 49 cities have signed Memorandum of Agreement with the Urban Development Ministry with regard to reform agenda and implementation schedule. 28 cities and Union Territories have submitted their detailed project reports with regard to submission Urban Infrastructure and Governance.
Rs. 1184 crore have been released as first installment of central assistance for projects under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns, UIDSSMT during 2006-07. 328 projects have been approved for 274 towns involving a total cost of Rs. 4204.62 crore. The Government will release 3382.36 crore as central grant for the projects during the implementation period.
Secretary, Urban Development Ministry Shri M.Ramachandran took a review meeting of the progress of the JNNURM projects with the senior officials of his Ministry. The Government is giving top priority to drinking water, sewerage, drainage and solid waste management schemes in mission cities. Shri Ramachandran convened a meeting of all States and UT secretaries of Urban Development in Kochi on 14th of April 2007. The meeting will discuss issues including capacity building at States and City levels, monitoring and implementation of JNNURM projects, urban infrastructure development schemes for small and medium towns, community participation, new technologies in sewerage and solid waste management, resource mobilization for urban local bodies, measures to improve urban governments, reduction in water wastage and initiatives to improve public transport in cities.