Shri Murli Deora, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas has called upon the dealers of petroleum products (petrol & diesel) to call off their proposed agitation and a call to close retail outlets. He expressed hope that the dealers will appreciate that the strike serves nobody’s cause and leads to totally avoidable inconvenience to the customers. At a meeting with the representatives of the Federation of All India Petroleum Traders(FAIPT), here today, Shri Deora pointed out that the Government has always been sympathetic to their genuine demands. It may be recalled that the concerted efforts of Shri Murli Deora resulted in Maharashtra Government recently effecting substantial reduction in the sales tax on petrol and diesel which addressed a long pending demand of the retail dealers in Maharashtra. He said that Government will endeavour to take a decision on the demand of the FAIPT for increase in commission on petrol and diesel by 1st May after consultation with Oil Marketing Companies(OMCs).
Regarding the issue of raising stock variation ceiling, the representatives of the federation were informed that a study by Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) has already been commissioned to study the impact of different climatic conditions in India on petrol and diesel stocks. The IIP will be submitting its report by middle of July which will be examined expeditiously for appropriate decision. The issue of stock variation requires in-depth and serious scientific studies before effecting any change in the present norms.
The meeting was attended by Shri A.K. Badhwar, President, FAIPT and other representatives of the FAIPT. The Minister of State for Petroleum & Natural Gas Shri Dinsha Patel and senior officers of the Ministry were also present.