Cerebra Integrated Technologies Ltd has announced that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on April 03, 2007 has proceeded to allot the following securities: a. Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each for cash at par (b) Warrants convertible in to Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each for cash payable Re 1/- on application and allotment.
Name of Allottees:
1. Shridhar S Hegde - 230287 Shares & nil Warrants
2. Chembra Economic Consultancy Services Ltd - 475000 Shares & nil Warrants
3. Udbhav Holdings Pvt Ltd - 400000 Shares & nil Warrants
4. Ms. Usha C - 250000 Shares & nil Warrants
5. Amritanish Holdings Pvt Ltd - Nil Shares & 400000 Warrants
6. Value Source IT Pvt. Ltd - Nil Shares & 475000 Warrants
7. CCG Technologies Pvt Ltd - Nil Shares & 400000 Warrants
8. Techways India Pvt., Ltd - Nil Shares & 475000 Warrants
9. S N Agro Trading Cultivation Pvt Ltd - Nil Shares & 100000 Warrants
10. Mr. Anish Vijay - Nil Shares & 150000 Warrants