BSE and NSE have been working together to establish a common portal for filing and dissemination of information provided by corporate listed on the Exchanges. The URL for the portal is
On January 1, 2007, BSE and NSE jointly launched the common portal that is jointly owned, managed and maintained by these two exchanges. Since its launch, the portal has become a single source to view information filed by companies listed with BSE and / or NSE.
From April 2, 2007, the portal shall also serve as a common filing platform to companies listed in BSE and/ or NSE. A listed company would be required to file its submissions through this portal irrespective of the stock exchange(s) on which it is listed and the information so filed can be viewed at this portal.
In the first phase, top 100 common companies computed on market capitalization shall be required to make all their filings in electronic form through the common portal. The list of these 100 companies is available on the website of BSE and NSE.
Initially for a period of 3 months, filings by these 100 companies shall continue to be as per the current practice (i.e. through fax/courier etc.) and also electronically through this portal. After 3 months, these 100 companies shall be required to make all filings only electronically to exchanges through this portal. The number of companies, which shall make their filings through this portal, shall be increased over a period in a phased manner in consultation with SEBI.