Railway Budget

Indian Railways to introduce Green Train, BIO Toilets and Solar Lights

Posted On : 2012-03-14 02:31:30( TIMEZONE : IST )

Indian Railways to introduce Green Train, BIO Toilets and Solar Lights

Indian Railways are extremely environmental friendly and are committed to protect the environment. Some of the important measures proposed to be initiated in this year's Railway Budget to promote clean environment are:

- Setting up of 72 MW capacity windmill plants in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal;

- Setting up of 200 remote railway stations as 'green energy stations' powered entirely by solar energy;

- Providing solar lighting system at 1000 manned level crossing gates;

- Introduction of mobile emission test cards to measure pollution level of diesel locomotives;

- Commissioning of two bio diesel plants at Raipur and Tondiarpet;

- Introduction of a 'Green Train' to run through the pristine forests of North Bengal;

- 2500 coaches to be equipped with bio toilets.

Source : Equity Bulls
