Industry News

Employment News Circulation Reaches 6.5 Lakhs

Posted On : 2007-04-01 08:14:04( TIMEZONE : IST )

Employment News Circulation Reaches 6.5 Lakhs

‘Employment News’ the much popular journal of Publications Division touched a weekly circulation of 6.5 lakh copies, during 2006-07. During the first six months of the year, revenue generated stood at Rs. 25.63 crore which is a significant improvement over the corresponding period last year. The total revenue generated in 2005-06 was Rs. 41.10 crore. As a step towards reaching to youth in Jammu & Kashmir and North-Eastern Region, Employment News is sending free copies to libraries, educational institutions and Government offices in North-East and J&K regions.

The Publications Division published 75 titles during the period April-December 2006 in English, Hindi and other regional languages. Some of the important titles released during this period are: 5000 years of Indian Architecture, The Story of India’s Struggle for Freedom, A Career for You, Upbhokta Samrakshan Adhiniyam Aur Upbhokta Adhikar, Krantikari Mahilayein, Sangeet Bachchon Ke Liye, Jalianwala Bagh, Lehron Ka Kahar, Great Men and Women of India, Kalpana Chawla etc.

Source : Press Information Bureau
