The performance of Indian Railways in respect of loading has gone up from 600.58 Million Tonnes during April 2005-February 2006 to 655.35 Million Tonnes (approx.) during April 2006-February 2007, an increase of 9.12 per cent. Freight earnings have also gone up from Rs. 32716.59 crore during April 2005-February 2006 to Rs.37589.03 crore (approx.) during April 2006-February 2007, registering an increase of 14.89 per cent. Passenger earnings have gone up from Rs. 13530.19 crore during April 2005-February 2006 to Rs.15371.93 crore (approx.) during April 2006-February 2007, an increase of 13.61 per cent. Number of accidents in Railways have come down from 216 during the corresponding period last year to 182 this year.
The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) and Rail Coach Factory (RCF) produced 1110 and 1164 coaches respectively during April 2006 -February 2007 exceeding the target by 26 and 4 coaches. Rail Wheel Factory (RWF) produced 122339 wheels and 52537 axles during the same period compared to the target of 118126 wheels and 52528 axles. Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW) produced 175 locomotives equaling the target while Chitranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) produced 133 electrical locomotives against the target of 140 electric locomotives during the same period The punctuality percentage of mail/express trains was 91.5% in Broad Gauge and 98.3% in Metre Gauge during April 2006 -February 2007 compared to 91.1% and 97.5% respectively during the same period last year.