The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has banned the satellite channel FTV for two months. The transmission or re-transmission of this Channel on all platforms has been prohibited with effect from 01.04.2007 to 30.05.2007 throughout the country, for showing programmes that are against good taste and decency, denigrate women and are likely to adversely affect public morality.
It had come to the notice of the Central Government that some Cable Operators in the country through their Cable Television Networks were transmitting/re-transmitting a satellite channel namely "FTV.Com India" which is reportedly telecasting programmes such as ‘Midnight Hot’ wherein skimpily dressed and semi naked models are shown that are against good taste and decency, denigrates women and are likely to adversely affect public morality.
Therefore, the Government prohibited the transmission or re-transmission of the said channel in the country exercising powers conferred by Sub-Section (2) of Section 20 of the Cable Television Networks Regulation Act, 1995.